Thursday, August 7, 2014

Emily's Relationships

Her Mother and Father: Emily has been shown to be close with her family, just as they are with her. She speaks fondly of her deceased mother, and grows sorrowful when recalling her death. As for her father, she appears to be grateful for the help and support he offered during her journey. She also appears to be wary of him, sometimes acting more like a parent than he does.

Joel: Emily is shown to be one of the few people that was ever caring towards Joel. She doesn't become intimidated by his fierce personality or appearance. It's shown he feels the same way about her, as they both defend each other when captured by the CRU. Joel even goes as far as to open up about his personal life with her.

Paelen the Magnificent: She mistakes him for a human boy at first, oblivious to the fact that he was an Olympian. It's later shown that Paelen cares deeply for Emily, admiring her bravery since she is just a mere mortal human.

Diana: Another Olympian. Emily thinks of her as a friend. She's also seen alongside Emily in her journey, providing strength to the group.

Pegasus: She is shown to have a strong emotional connection with Pegasus. She seems to understand him, despite the fact that he cannot speak her language. She also admits to being "jealous" that someone else could possibly take her place in his heart. At first she's scared, and of course fascinated by him. Just like Joel, she and Pegasus protect each other throughout the entire story.

Bio of Emily

Emily doesn't describe her past very much, except for her mother. Previous to the story, Emily's mother became ill and later died. She was alone with her father in her apartment for about a year before meeting Pegasus.

As the story progresses, and she begins traveling through New York with her newly found friends, Joel and Pegasus, as well as her father Emily begins to share fond memories of her mother as they pass places she recalls visiting with her. This leads me to believe that Emily and her mother had a close bond.

It's also confirmed that Emily's father, Steve, is a police officer. Emily attends a public school with Joel, and usually comes home to find herself alone. Her father seems to be working often. After a huge thunderstorm wiped out the power in Manhattan, her father became busier than ever. Hence why Pegasus landed on her apartment's roof without her father noticing for a few days.

It's shown that she and Joel have limited interaction between each other before the events in the novel occur. Despite this, Emily seems to know where he lives as she walks to his house to seek help for Pegasus. While Emily has limited knowledge of mythology, Joel, who moved from Italy, has vast knowledge and helps her through her journey.

For more information on Emily and her companions, visit the "Pegasus and the Flame" wiki: Official Wiki

Warning: Not all information provided on the wiki may be truthful, read at your own risk

A Short Description of Emily

 Pegasus: The Flame of Olympus by Kate O'Hearn


Emily is a young girl who's about my age. She's met one night with an astonishing discovery; Pegasus has landed on the roof of her Manhattan apartment. I can infer that she is a girl of caring nature, as she takes care of the wounded creature by feeding him, tending to his wounds, and eventually getting him to his feet again.

Besides caring, I can also infer that Emily is very intelligent. After seeing the wounded Pegasus, and concluding that she couldn't take care of him along, she plans to ask a classmate for help. Although she and this classmate, Joel, have never talked, Emily knows that Joel has a passion for Pegasus. She knows this by recalling how he would always draw Pegasus in school.

Emily is also very strong willed and courageous. She proved this by not speaking when interrogated about Pegasus, even when they injured her further for information. She also persevered through her journey with Pegasus, despite being hunted by creatures knows as Nirads.

Judging by not just the book cover, but how the author describes Emily in the novel I can imagine a picture of her in my mind. I imagine her as a short, slender girl with long brown hair and casual clothing. I could almost imagine seeing her as I walk around, as if she was any other person. I can see her having a cheerful, smiling face. From the evidence I've gathered, I sketched a picture on how I feel she looks